Jun 18Liked by Katie Sadler

FANTASTIC. The single most useful launch/marketing info I've seen from anyone - AND I'm with the same publisher, so definitely ordering some bookmarks!! Thank you so much Glenn.

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So glad he shared how he got on!

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Brilliant Rosie! I've just had a look, 'Frankie & Dot' sounds wonderful... and overlaps with perhaps our mutual life experience: I once had an horrendous 13 months, when I was on bail, with the police. Just before Covid. I put some of that experience into 'Darkness Does Not Come At Once'. Good luck Rosie getting ready for November!👍

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Incredibly useful, thank you!

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I'm glad. 🙏 Hayley!

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Wonderful perspective. Thank you Glenn and continued gook luck (which you made yourself!) to you!

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🙏 Lora! That's very kind. You too!

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Jun 17Liked by Katie Sadler

I’d love to see a photo of the book marks!

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I think you can see one side of them in the photo!

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Hello Claire! As Katie says, you can see the front of the bookmark, in the pic at the top of the piece. I posted a pic too on Facebook [url below] showing both sides, fyi 👍 Hope that helps Claire!


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Thank you! Love this - let you do you - and others can do themselves. I am doing me because I am the only me! Just what I needed to read this morning- thanks again xxx

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I think everyone needs that reminder sometimes!

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So agree! Instagram is a fantastic communication tool but really can create low self esteem which is damaging to mental health. I try and approach it as everything in moderation and don’t believe all I read and see!

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🙏 Sarah! I'm suuuuuuuper chuffed it brightened your morning. Thank you for reading ❤️

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Huuuuuuge🙏 Katie for brilliantly hosting me here. And for letting my share with your audience 👍

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Thanks for sharing your insights!

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