For me absolutely not anymore. I have a few things that I talk about now and then but after 8 months of hate mail and death threats for daring to stand up for disabled and chronically ill people during the pandemic I am absolutely never sharing my opinion publicly again. I still occasionally talk about chronic illness but only really in terms of how I manage writing and work around it. People can enjoy my books without knowing much about me. I'm good with that!

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That's very fair, and that makes sense too. At the end of the day, you get to decide how much you want to share and what sort of mental load you want to shoulder about it. I'm sorry that it went so awfully during the pandemic & beyond — I remember seeing a lot of folks who were saying the right things (mask up, care for others, etc.) getting unnecessary flak because of the 'new normal' stuff.

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Oof, I can definitely see why you would stay away from it now!

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