Only one sounds like heaven—and it's actually exactly what I intend to do this year. I got so burnt out with having to keep up with daily posting and engagement on social media and never having the time or energy to actually write, I decided to give social media a hard break.

Instead, I created my Substack where I intend to post once a week. One article, poem or piece of fiction—mostly articles on writing. And in those articles I can show examples from my own work and link to my own books.

I may not sell much that way, but that's OK. I'm just really done burning myself out on social media platforms I have hated since day one. I can't do small talk. I need to dive deep. I'm a thinker, not a talker. Substack allows me to be who I am.

That, to me, is more important than making money.

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It might be that by focusing on Substack, you then also find deeper ways to engage on social media at a later stage, but if you've found yourself in burnout, it's more important than ever to really zone in on what's important to you - it sounds like you have done that!

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Gosh with a book launch looming it's tough to think of the one. But in my life in general the book launch itself is the one!

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It's definitely harder to choose if you haven't done much marketing in the past! While you're launching and putting effort into different channels, you might get a sense of what is working best and what you enjoy most, so lean into those things!

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